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Another movie

March 23, 2010

Watching the Oscars I was a bit inspired to hunt down some of the documentaries that were notimated.  The winner of the best documentary was The Cove.  A and I watched it last night and my gosh.  We’ve watched Food, Inc. and The Cove in one week, both informative, depressing documentaries.  I think it’s time for something uplifting.

Watching The Cove and seeing all these dolphins (the number 23,000 annually killed is mentioned A LOT) slaughtered for no real important reason (eating dolphin is extremely dangerous due to its mercury levels) makes you want to do something.   But it’s hard to figure out what you can without giving so much of your time and/or money to a certain cause. 

Just spreading the word is important.   So, watch this movie.   It will open your eyes and break your heart.

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